
FAQ - Account Settings

How do I edit my account information?

To edit your account information, go to 'Account Settings'. Using the navigation tabs on the left side of the screen, you may edit the following pieces of information:

  • Account Info: first/last name, email address
  • Change Password: password
  • Details: Date of birth, sex, location, interests, about me
  • Preferences: general email settings, notification email settings, general profile privacy
  • Picture: add/edit profile picture 
  • Payment Options: billing information associated with each of your commitments
  • Addresses: mailing address/addresses associated with your account

How do I delete my stickK account?

Because of the nuances associated with each individual profile, stickK does not allow users to directly disable their account. For example, all active Commitment Contracts must first be ended manually by a member of the stickK team before a profile can be disabled. However, we would be happy to honor your request once you click here and ask us to disable your account.
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