We have to make a million choices each and every day, so it makes sense that to keep things simple, we always make the same ones. But the easy choices don't always mean the right choices.
Commit today to changing it up, to doing something different, and making the choice that improves your life for the better. Believe it or not, pretty soon that choice will be the easy one to make too.
"3/28 at 12:45 PM
A: In glasses store waiting for associate
Int: Saw youtube screenzen pop up to not pace
B: Sat down and watched youtube
C: No pacing"
"Li 5 páginas ontem, já tô acabando o capítulo 4. Incrível como de pouco em pouco a galinha enche o papo mesmo. Ele entrou no assunto de memória, que pelo mundo ser mais rápido, a memória é mais líquida, até pela necessidade de se reinventar o tempo todo. Ele disse que esquecemos, e como sociedade acho q sim, mas as memórias ficam ali, só temos que acessar com mais frequência, individualmente falando "
"3/27 at 2:49 PM
A: Started messaging friend about playing a game later, and making plans with my girlfriend
B: Started to Pace
Int: Grabbed Sensory Activity (Slinky) and sat down
C: Less pacing, but still some anxiety"
"3/27 at 8:37 AM: started pacing for a few seconds, but opened up youthbe and got reminder about not pacing and picked up a sensory activity instead (slinky).
A: waiting for class to start
B: Pacing
Int: Reminder from phone
C: No pacing"
"Although it wasn't actually as easy, I feel a deep sense of unease if I am sitting alone by myself. It's like my whole body is itching. I feel that I am experiencing symptoms, that are often associated with withdrawal. I can mitigate this through adoption of new behaviours "
"Wednesdays are a hard day. I have work in the evening that I dread all day. I'm fatigued. Lots of driving around. I almost caved today. Well, at least I thought about it. I didn't have a drink in hand or anything. In the end, I'm glad I didn't."
"Day 5, DAMN DONE! It was a good day despite i almost gave in the urge to masturbate, still, everything went accordingly to plan, that's awesome, i should keep going like this."
"the urge was pretty strong, i almost gave in, though, somehow i forgot i had it, does it mean that the most effective way to stop the urge to masturbate is to distract myself?"
"Successful week 25 - nothing of note to report. Sorry to hear about your back as well Billy. Got an MRI this morning and we'll see what they say. Porn won't help my recovery!"
"Li ontem por volta de 00. Às 23h já tinha desligado a TV, mas fiquei andando pela casa com a escova de dentes. É uma coisa que quero mudar, mas de certa forma até ajuda com o sono, fico mais cansada e durmo. A parte que eu li ontem falou bastante sobre identidade, de como ela é mutável hoje em dia, pelo menos do lado de fora. É como se as pessoas evitassem o autoconhecimento "
"Tô fazendo o report só agora, mas li ontem a noite, por volta de 00:30. Ele começou a falar sobre felicidade. De como ser feliz é algo do agora. E que ser feliz na sociedade de consumo é ter mais; só que ao mesmo tempo não é, comprovadamente "
"I've got the urge when i was going to the bathroom, i had the urge to masturbate soo badly! Like i wanted to go take my phone and watch some lesbian porn while masturbating! Luckily i managed to take the piss quickly and get out of the bathroom before the urge of masturbating took over me! It's not significant though, it's not over😭"
"Today i almost masturbated, i was 1 centimeter away from masturbating, yet i managed to resist and take the goddamm piss in peace! That's significant for me, i barely can resist such a strong urge to masturbate!"
"Sitting alone, by myself is actually pretty difficult. Otherwise, I'd have to state that I had a lovely conversation with a girl today. Same thing tomorrow mate, get over your fears by becoming a person who does these things often. "
"Thought about it for sure. Something else that helps is imagining it "dead." I think about my late dad multiple times per day, and as much as I miss him and want to talk to him, I can't. It's not an option. So, I can think about alcohol multiple times per day and think about how nice it would be to have it right here (in my mouth lol) but I can't. It's not an option. It's dead."
"This will be even easier now that my newest commitment is in place, because I will be using the Freedom app to block access to all websites at 9 pm every work night. "
"This day, well, i've succeded, cool, but it doesn't mean it's over, i must prepare myself for the day when the urges get unbearable and ruin all my work."
"Ele continuou falando sobre o lance da comunidade, mas teve uma parte q eu achei super interessante: era sobre a sobrecarga mental, e de como ela pode atrapalhar nossa interpretação das coisas ou, inclusive, não interpretar, só seguindo a maioria "
"Ele falou uma coisa bem interessante ontem no livro: que a ideia de liberdade de escolha que a gente tem é a obrigação de ter uma escolha. Então é de fato liberdade? E sobre comunidade tbm, que comunidades sempre existiram, mas o rótulo "comunidades" fez borbulhar as ideias de coibição da liberdade individual. É como se tudo mudasse de perspectiva a partir do Iliminismo
Ah, desliguei a Tv era 00"
"1. Sort new nicotine patches
2. Drink water at work regularly
3. If you are going to vape make it 30 minutes after you’ve eaten
4. Track how much you’re spending weekly
5. Track how often you’re asking people at work
6. How many times per day you’re vaping "
"Tempted today. I was thinking of ways that I could escape to go buy a beer, but it helped that someone was around me all day. Also, knowing that I'd have to pay $30 here helped. And I just kept thinking that ok, yeah, I feel good for one hour after I drink the beer. Then what? Then I'm leaving myself in an even harder position. Not worth it. Just push through the discomfort of the boredom and I can do what I want for a bit in the evening. (I lost my evening when I have a beer or two in the afternoon.)"
"I had two beers at supper. All good. Driving home, I really wanted to stop and get more to take home. I did not. It's a win.
I also did a little hunting on an unmonitored computer at work. But I shut that down, too. Freedom is good. I want to keep it."