If there is one thing worth committing to, it's your education. Whether it's doing well in school, reading a new book, or learning a language, taking the time to sharpen your noodle is the wisest investment you can make.
"Hoje fiz menos questões do que ontem.
Mesmo fazendo questões,estudando e revisando matérias que me propus não acho que rendi tudo aquilo que podia ter rendido.
Me sinto cansada."
"3/28 at 12:45 PM
A: In glasses store waiting for associate
Int: Saw youtube screenzen pop up to not pace
B: Sat down and watched youtube
C: No pacing"
"Hoje consegui resolver mais exercícios do que ontem, amanhã quero resolver mais que hoje, focando nas matérias atrasadas dos estudos para Enem. Consegui fazer todas as revisões para as provas de semana que vem da faculdade, mas, me sinto apreensiva pois nunca fiz prova com essas professoras."
"3/27 at 2:49 PM
A: Started messaging friend about playing a game later, and making plans with my girlfriend
B: Started to Pace
Int: Grabbed Sensory Activity (Slinky) and sat down
C: Less pacing, but still some anxiety"
"3/27 at 8:37 AM: started pacing for a few seconds, but opened up youthbe and got reminder about not pacing and picked up a sensory activity instead (slinky).
A: waiting for class to start
B: Pacing
Int: Reminder from phone
C: No pacing"
"I spent maybe 6-7 minutes yesterday on it. I asked ChatGPT to script a conversation and the outcome was terrific. Then nothing for the rest of the day. Just one conference call, a few emails."
"Hj li um cadinho mais cedo, a leitura foi rápida, e um tanto quanto confusa. Não sei se devido ao texto ou ao meu sono, mas entendi tudo o que era importante "
"Even at a baseline dose of my first ever prescription, ADHD meds have been the most helpful thing I've ever had in terms of benefitting from learning, especially my lectures."
"I need to keep showing up. I need to post contents 2 to 3 times daily. I have to make daily sales consistently.
I need to start creating authentic yummy & irresistible cakes and treats. I have to stop doing things the regular way. I want to scale, I have to be giving more value daily. I need to invest more to be able to make more money. Putting structure in place already. "
"So far today the only deep work I’ve done is compose a letter to my kids’ school telling them off about a bullying incident. And the content list for the Crete Master Plan. And gym workout. Now conference call on Crete, then 4 more drop-offs and pick-ups of Jenny and kids which will take 58 minutes. Some Ghana work for an hour. Hmm"
"i was only able to complete one article BUSINESS ANALOGY 24 - THE SILO EFFECT.
But I have spent more amount of time analyzing OSHO 1001 stories, and also analyzing AMAR CHITRA KATHA stories to extract insights for other articles and creating outlines the number now reached 218 articles"
"Finished the Articles Number 24 - On the Silo Effect after much struggle. Today.
"A. Achievement
B. Reading did not come naturally to me, it was a terribly long process that included private tutoring sessions, hours of practice, my mom purchasing a phonics program for home, and changing schools. No one ever just said I wasn’t good at reading, I just needed extra help. My parents pushed me and eventually things got better. I haven’t concluded that any of my students just aren’t good at something. I just say they haven’t been given the resource that will help them yet. Then I attempt to find the successful resource. I am reminded of a student who just could not multiply decimals this week. They weren’t able to do it with standard algorithm and they didn’t respond to an area model. I was stumped then determined maybe they just needed to hear the material from a different face. They were able to multiply for one of the school assistants within an hour. Question 4 made me think. I do have so many students who struggle to keep up. I am given a time block especially for intervention time. My usual approach to handling a struggle is to give the student extra practice during that intervention time. I give oral and written feedback to all of my students. They usually take the feedback to heart and ask how they can improve on something. For example, when I wrote something about handwriting on an essay, the student came back and asked for sentence strips to practice.
C. Insight: The handbook mentions a teacher who just blames the parent on student issues being stuck as a professional. This stood out to me! I find myself saying certain kids would be so much better behaved or they would understand subject material if the parent practiced with them. I’ve got to do better with this and try to fix the issues instead of blaming it on parents.
Question: How do you set gutsy goals with students when they won’t even attempt to accomplish a simple goal? Question: Should formative assessments also serve as grades? We are standards based grading, so I really need these formative assessments to serve as markers for accomplishing a standard. Should they just be used for planning purposes/data collection?
D. This week I would like to try to drop the labels. We recently took a state check in and will be going over student data this week. In data meetings, all of the staff refer to labels like underachievers, minorities, and exceptional. The students may not hear these conversations, but it does cause teachers/staff to look at the students a certain way. I’ve heard “this someone is exceptional; we can’t expect them to score at grade level. They are a minority; they can’t understand the grade level English on the test.” This week I am going to try to refer to students by their name and not refer to the label that usually identifies them."