Keep parental control on your phone... Star this Commitment
Week 24 of 24

komenpinkforever commits to:
Not uninstall the Boomerang parental control app from my phone. I need it to keep myself from wasting time or looking at inappropriate websites.
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My Commitment Journal
October 15, 2017, 5:15 PM
The commitment is great, but I have asked my referee to put a time limit on my phone so I can only use it for one hour day. This is to stop me from checking the phone while I drive, checking my online banking obsessively, or wasting time changing the wallpaper or adjusting settings. The program we use can let me text, make calls, and use maps even after the hour is up, of course. As for the driving thing, I will just have to practice discipline and find a way to reward myself when I do right. I may have to get one of those standalone GPS systems and lock the phone in the trunk, but I will give it some more time.
October 6, 2017, 2:21 PM
Again, this is proving to be one of my easiest challenges. I believe that after six months I will ask my referee to keep being my monitor on a permanent basis. There are a few apps I'd like to have, so, after the six months I will ask my monitor to let me disable parental control long enough to get them installed. I am very proud of myself for keeping this commitment, and happy with the results so far. My phone battery even lasts longer without all those pesky apps running in the background.

Also, once this phone is paid off, I am going to upgrade to a Samsung.Then my monitor can install Knox Deployment, which prevents me from starting the phone in Safe Mode. That means the app really will be unremovable. I am thinking of asking him to lock me out of settings soon.
October 3, 2017, 1:26 PM
I don't keep my phone next to my bed anymore. I was in the habit of checking it late at night. Now there is nothing to check, so I put it across the room and set the alarm. This helps me get out of bed early enough to have breakfast, pray, and read a little, and still get to work on time. I was surprised at how hard it was to go to bed without the phone on my nightstand. It is just one more way I was letting the phone control my life. Not anymore!
September 27, 2017, 5:08 PM
I went ahead and took the web broswer off my phone. There is no option to reinstall, since I am blocked from using Play store. I could enable Chrome, but it still wouldn't be on the list of approved apps. I also went ahead and took off a couple more apps that I tend to obsess over.

Now all I can do with my phone is texts, calls, messages, taking pictures and using my Bible app. If I can live like this for six months, I will get a flip phone. The next step will be going phone free in 2019.
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March 5 to March 13
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February 26 to March 5
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February 19 to February 26
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February 12 to February 19
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Total at stake: $240.00
Stakes per period: $10.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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