I continued reading Expert Secrets and got to the part about creating my journey's story so I can go on and tell it to other people when talking about my services. I didn't focus on connecting with more people as I realized I was spreading my focus too thin. I want to focus fully on finishing Expert Secrets and then start connecting with other people more.
October 24 to October 30
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
October 17 to October 24
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
October 10 to October 17
- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
I have written a before, after, and steps to get to it statements of the program that I want take my coaching clients through here - https://www.notion.so/Coaching-Program-fcf369a142894160a00a249c2c6dabd9
This week, I want to focus on reading the Expert Secrets book and doing the exercises that I find in it so I narrow in into my niche, find my voice, and convey my message better to serve others better.