Well, didn't get the 30 pages I was hoping for this week, but still made it up to 180 or so. So, mission accomplished from the weekly goal side, but not yet done with the screenplay. That said, as expected, I am now in the midst of the final showdown between the protagonist and villain. I think I've got about 5-7 pages left of this, and then about 10 pages of wrapping things up. So, that should be pretty easy to get to during this last week. And not surprisingly, will put me right around the 200 page mark.
I am so goddamn close, it almost feels like I am done, but I can't let myself relax until it's TRULY done. Only then can I pat myself on the back.
One more week of this! Let's gooooo.
Also, while it does pretty much suck in its current state - I do think it has the potential to be a really good/fun script. So, the sooner I get done with the shitty first draft, the sooner I get to turn it into a decent and maybe even good draft 2.
October 18 to October 25
- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
I would say one of the more successful weeks. Cracked out another 20 pages or so. Now up to 167, and getting REALLY close to the end. I anticipate another 5-7 pages of buildup, and then we're at the climactic final showdown. That'll probably last 10-15 pages, and then maybe 10 pages or so of wrap up, then FADE OUT!
Was much better about writing in the morning this past week, and also knocked out a few decent sessions during the weekend. I think I can use this momentum to have a record week and knock out the final 25-35 pages by the end of October. Then celebrate for a brief day, then back to work on something else.
Getting so damn close, which provides a lot of motivation in and of itself. But of course, wouldn't be here in the first place if it weren't for your coaching and management. Thank you sir!!!
October 11 to October 18
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
October 4 to October 11
- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Not my best week, but that's why I set a low bar for myself. If I had required myself to write more than 1 page per day, there was inevitably going to be a week that I failed - which would have been frustrating and discouraging, and maybe would've caused me to completely give up or quit for a while. So, this week, I was only able to knock out... oh, apparently 10 pages. Okay, not as bad as I feared. It felt like less.
I think I can get it back up closer to 15 pages for this coming week. Which still keeps me on track to finish this first draft by the end of the month. In fact, for the first time a couple days ago, as I was writing, I actually felt like the plot hit a moment that felt like it was naturally leading to the final/central conflict. It's hard to explain, but it was a good feeling because for the past month, I feel like I've been bogged down in 2nd act set up for too long, and know that the climactic showdown scene(s) will breathe new life into the script.
So close. 3 more weeks methinks, and I can say I've officially written a feature-length screenplay. A shitty, meandering, amateurish one, but a screenplay nonetheless.
CONGRATULATIONS Danny boy! and thank you for staying on top of this even when you were secretly getting married! I don't know what you are more committed to - Jen, or managing my writing goals! Either way. Love you bro! Couldn't do it without you!