Displaying 5-8 of 8 results.
August 30 to September 6

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
According to dropbox records, made another 14 pages or so of progress this week. In addition, I hit page 50 on the last day of August which, while not a goal of mine at first, was nice to aim for given that I started on Aug 2nd or 3rd. At this rate, I am pretty confident that I will get to page 100 before the end of September. This should put me in line to finish the first draft of this screen play by early October if I'm expecting the final length to be around 120-140 pages. Just gotta keep the momentum going and not break out of my new habit of waking up before work to write. If anything, will try to incrementally push my wake up time to 6am from 6:15am right now.
August 23 to August 30

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
As you can see in the dropbox folder, I've stuck to my commitment. Have been writing pretty much every day, and even did a 6th day this past week. Would like to continue this momentum, and not let up as I get to the long hard slog through the middle of the screenplay. Most of what helps is just getting in front of the computer each day before work. As I get further, I find that the first 15 minutes are the hardest because I have no idea what to write. But usually by 30 minutes in, the momentum starts to take over. While lately I've been waking up at 6:15 and writing til 7, it might help for me to slowly add more time so I can take more advantage of the momentum. If given a solid hour, I think I can average closer to 3-4 pages a day and maybe even finish this screenplay by the end of September. Thanks for being an amazing referee! Couldn't do this without you!
August 16 to August 23
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
August 9 to August 16
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted