Day 16 Updates/Screenshots (June 20, moved from June 19):
- Added Refund Policy page
- Created Privacy Policy page
- Added store chat
- Added title and meta description
- Changed navigation
Day 17 Updates/Screenshots (June 20):
- Added FAQs and an About Me
- Edited Contact Page
- Reviewed marketing/product creation stuff. Need to really define calendar
June 18
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
June 17
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
June 16
- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Day 10 Updates/Screenshots (June 14, moved from June 13):
- Add script to add link specifically to IG banner divider
- Started working on USP banner
Day 11 Updates/Screenshots (June 14):
- Added USP image to homepage and edited colors n stuff
(I have to do 30 more mins later bc I must move houses now)
- Finished up the last 30 minutes with creating the vertical version of the USP banner. Need to put it on the website
Day 12 Updates/Screenshots (June 17, moved from June 15):
- Tried to figure out how to make the image on the mobile version the whole thing, but couldn't. Testing a lot of CSS, need to keep trying to figure it out (':