Yay!! Good job papa <3 You have been so committed - I'm proud of you! I agree!! Let's encourage each other to stay consistent at Mari-Bob. I want to come back lighter than when I left! :)
- Committed user success report
FINALLY! I made weight. Woohoo! It took a full 24-hour water and black coffee fast...but it worked. Now we can focus on healthy eating at Mari-Bob, lots of fun workouts, walks, hikes, etc. Maybe I'll see if I can get GrandMari's and GrandPapa's old bikes working again (fill the tires, etc.) so we can get some rides in for cardio and to see more of the area. Or maybe I'll get on Facebook Marketplace when we are there and see if we can score a couple cheap mountain bikes. We can also do some fun workouts outside that combine squats, crunches, pushups, pull-ups from a tree, and maybe some tree climbing which is always a great workout. Let's come home from New York in better shape than when we left California. :-)