Make 3 Stikk goals by 12/1/22 Star this Commitment

MamaGold20 commits to:
I will commit to 3 long term goals by 12/1/22.
- Spend one night researching Stikk app and reading articles
- Listing out current priorities and selecting 3 to become goals.
- Adding goals to Stikk app and ensuring they are SMART!
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
December 1, 2022, 7:50 PM
Yay! You did it! I like that you've staggered the commitments as 1, 2, and 3 months goals. Consider starting another one (maybe hitting another one of your umbrella categories) when you finish each and then you can always have 3 going of varying lengths.
December 1, 2022, 7:27 PM
Ah - good to know that when I report this pops up. Wonder if it's like that on the app since I'm on the website. Still more to learn on this app I guess!
December 1, 2022, 7:26 PM
After reviewing the Stikk App (online and mobile) and re-reading the "Self-Management Strategies" chapter of one of my grad school textbooks, I am ready to commit to goals. Here are some thoughts I had along the way:

- I'm going to add a monetary incentive for all my goals. Shorter goals = less $, long term = $$$. This relates directly to my Stikk goals (both this round and future).
- I'm starting with shorter term, more attainable goals. Success is essential reinforcement if I want to continue using this system to reach longer term/larger goals..
- I wrote down (shorthand/listed) the most important things to me and chose 3 to start with.

When I started the process of writing down my priorities, they formed like mini umbrellas, category words jumping out first - Health, Wealth, Friendship, Chores, Hobbies, Community, Faith, Children. From there I started to write down subcategories and individual goals.

I ended up choosing the first 3 categories that came to mind - Health, Wealth, and Friendship - for my maiden voyage with Stikk. Not only does it sound super catchy when I say it out loud but I found that there were some low hanging fruit goal-wise. I feel, overall, that success with these 3 goals will act as momentum to attain future goals.

Health: I'm not ready to take on a weight-loss goal, especially while nursing. Instead I will focus on fitness. At the advice of my physical therapist, I will also include stretching in this goal. There are 3 aspects to this goal:
- I will complete seven 30-minute workouts per week. Some days it will be easier for me to do a morning AND evening workout. Some days I will do 1 hour of yoga. Some days I will not workout at all! Because of this, I will check in daily for this goal and set a weekly plan on my bedroom white board.
- I will participate in drop-off and/or pickup M-F on foot, weather permitting. If the weather does not permit, I will do an indoor workout. I will not report on this, only because it is not an every day goal (weekends, days off)
- I WILL stretch daily. Not a suggestion from my physical therapist, a demand. Even on days I don't work out, I must spend at least 10 minutes stretching. I can do the stretching routines from PT. I must stretch legs prior to pick/up drop off. I will report on this daily.

This goal will help boost me into more activity overall, especially with my kiddos. This will help when I am ready for a weight-loss/management goal. Health/Fitness Boost will be a 2-month goal.

Wealth: I have never been good with money. Too impulsive, lack of self-control, general fear of numbers, etc. Carmi is not much better (but for different reasons). But it's time for that to change! The first step in this journey will be education.
- I will take one course on setting a family budget.
- I will then take one course on investing for beginners, with a focus on retirement.
- I will track my expenses daily and update a spreadsheet weekly. I will specifically report on this goal using Stikk.
BONUS: Completing goals will earn me spending money! I already know that will need to be a section of the budget and so money wagered/earned will depend on my commitment to my goals!

I'm ready to have more financial security, now and in the future. Wealth/Educate will be a 1-month goal.

Friendship: My 5783 resolution to myself was to be a better friend. There are many things I want to tackle, but first is staying connected.
- On a weekly basis, I will reach out to at least one friend I have not heard from and check in on them. Text/call/video chat.
- On a weekly basis, I will schedule at least 1 longer chat with a friend. Minimum 1-hour, call/video chat only. It is okay if they cancel, but I need to report on that and report the reschedule. I need to push the reschedule too!

I have very few, very good friends and it's time to appreciate and invest in them more. Friendship/Stay Connected will be a 3-month goal.
November 20, 2022, 3:15 PM
So meta. The goal to make the goals. Great job identifying the next step and breaking it down into manageable chunks!
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November 20 to December 1

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Ah - good to know that when I report this pops up. Wonder if it's like that on the app since I'm on the website. Still more to learn on this app I guess!
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