36-hour fast Star this Commitment
Week 12 of 12

whatyouseeiswhat commits to:
Do a 36-hour fast every week. This is from the evening of day 1 until the morning of day 3. Water/tea/black coffee allowed.
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My Commitment Journal
January 25, 2021, 4:56 PM
Officially a fail again because I only did about 25 hours. Even though it's not a success based on the specifics of my stated goal, I feel good about doing weekly 24-hour+ fasts.
January 18, 2021, 9:43 PM
Okay, this was a fail. I fasted for 24 hours but ended up breaking this one early before 36 hours. I probably should have made this goal to fast for 24-36 hours! I have done long fasts before, up to 5 days, but doing 36 hours a week is a challenge.
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Displaying 1-4 of 12 results.
March 29 to April 5
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March 22 to March 29
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March 15 to March 22
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March 8 to March 15
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