Mental Health/Meditation Star this Commitment
Day 91 of 91

GodFaceMusic commits to:
Meditation and Yoga

Goal Description:
Daily Meditation and (or) Yoga both of these excercises get my mind right my problem is consistency and of late not doing them at all. Time to Remix my life in 2021
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My Commitment Journal
February 18, 2021, 9:26 PM
I did a little yoga last month, don't think I've done any this month. Was good for me for sure. Less aches. But your walking meditation ritual idea is something I think I can try to do. I do get up and take regular walking breaks, but not mindfully, peacefully. More like pacing. I could maybe do more there to get centered. Thanks
January 29, 2021, 11:09 PM
new ritual, involves a smudge stick and a slow controlled walk around the house in a meditative mindset! cleanse the place and my mind before starting sessions and through out the day. Helps re-center and also stretch the legs a bit ;)
January 27, 2021, 11:21 PM
Yeah for sure!! there are some great videos across the interwebs. Check out a site called they have some good stuff on there. I used to use those a while back and found the one on expansion quite interesting.
January 27, 2021, 6:45 AM
Good goal! I don't have Dojo TV Archive sub, or I'd be watching some extra Meditation Station for the help. I'm doing some 10 minute yoga most days with a YouTube vid. That helps. It is great to have the support of someone else even in video form.
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Displaying 1-4 of 91 results.
April 11
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April 10
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April 9
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April 8
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