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Week 15 of 15
joshmrallen commits to:
Find every opportunity daily to work on and complete all the work in each section of the Flatiron curriculum.
I will ask for help -- this is my greatest weakness: waiting too long before asking for help. I will make a hypothesis, test it and change it 3 times. If on the 3rd time, I'm still stuck, I will make a guess as to why and show my code to a coach or a classmate. I will keep a daily journal of my notes/thoughts/questions to help solidify my understanding of the material.
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My Commitment Journal
Displaying 1-4 of 15 results.
June 15 to June 22

- Committed user success report
This wraps up this campaign which covid basically derailed. I've created a new one for a few weeks that fits better with the current situation. Come join me and root for me if you can.
I've been speaking to the Flatiron admin and there's a chance I might go back July 13th as remote or August 3rd as in person. I'm going to check how much refund I can get back if I just want to drop it altogether.
Might just be worth it to start on July 13th as remote and hope for campus opening on August 3rd. If the campus doesn't open (which I don't really think it will thanks to resurging numbers across the country), I'll just continue as remote.
I think I need to take advantage of the counseling benefits the program offers -- though they only offer 3 sessions a year, which doesn't seem like it would be enough.
But, thanks to NYC, I have medicaid now, so perhaps I can get a psychologist for anxiety, etc without paying hundreds of dollars per session and get regular weekly sessions.