
silverski commits to:
I ate no rice cakes or bread. I had no gluten free flour products. If I had grain it was only boiled grain.
Within confines of Basic plan below:
Monday lunch: burger, fat, sea snax, non starchy veggies; S: optional green drink; D: Optional protein, any kind of veggies, fat, chia pod; PM soup
Tues, Wed: B: protein and veggies or kichadi with seeds and non starchy veggies, fat; L: protein, non starchy veggies, fat, cassava wrap, avocado, nuts/seeds S: optional green drink D: Protein, any ki
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October 1 to October 6
Recipient of Stakes
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Total at stake: $5.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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