Patricia weekend Star this Commitment

silverski commits to:
Patricia weekend
Within confines of the below basic plan: Eat only what I list for each meal.
Thursday: B: egg yolks, veggies and fat L: animal protein, veggies, fat, flackers D: Sweet potatoes, veggies, fat, sprouted seeds
Friday: Green drink before B if no IF, if IF then before lunch: powdered green drink B: Either IF or animal protein, fat and non starchy veggies if available L: animal protein, fat and veggies Before D: powdered green drink D: animal protein, veggies, fat
Saturday: G
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September 6 to September 11
Recipient of Stakes
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Total at stake: $5.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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