
silverski commits to:
April 4 – April 12 Boulder
3 meals a day of anything you want with no dairy, grains or sugar.
3 1 hour meal periods daily consisting of: protein, vegetables except for those not allowed, and fat. (meal starts with 1st bite of cooked vegetable, any oils/fats, olives, protein for that meal period) with minimum 3 hour break between each meal period per day. Veggies are unlimited until the end of the hour. Protein (see definition) is one serving ( one bowl or one plate or one cup of your own)
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April 4 to April 12
Recipient of Stakes
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your April 4-12 Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
Total at stake: $5.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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