Ecological Million Dollars Star this Commitment

FastExperimenter commits to:
Have an ecological million dollars in my bank account. This money must have come from people who were positively benefited by me. And not benefited in a sense of experience (i.e. they should learn not to deal with me), but in a way where they should learn to deal more with me.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
June 1, 2015, 4:59 PM
Not making any money yet....Sex transmute
Not receiving any wow's yet.. . Keep improving.
June 1, 2015, 4:53 PM
Em: About to disappoint, let down.... (alienation... unideal)

1) Like I-ing'm the king and I-ing'm about to blow their mind.... positive anticipation... excitement...
2) Think I-ing'm not good enough (I-ing'm good enough as long as I-ing commit to improve and follow through with improving); see what the ads should be and what mine is (See how much better I-ing have got at ads, and how I-ing am improving so freaking much...) ; feel I-ing didn't go through it and improve it enough (I-ing constantly improve in everything I-ing do... on meta levels, too ;)) ; that there's someone better than me (and I-ing'll improve beyond them through consistent work and effort from multiple paradigms on the same thing); that I-ing'm not perfect (I-ing'm perfect because I-ing choose to evolve, love, find the truth, observe beauty, and become more useful); that I-ing left something out (I-ing put everything in that my consciousness/state was capable of putting in... this implies that I-ing should just raise my consciousness/state instead of beating myself up about actions); some preventable 'bad' (unpleasant) experience just happened (Better consciousness, better state, better beliefs means better experiences... bad judgement-to-experience-to-good judgement)
3) FP my process, and do the E-Myth process today... to obviously change my beliefs; to
4) The product is never good enough; if I-ing think I'm done... if I-ing lose the pressure to improve... it's toast... this emotion will come back; I'll never experience power and bliss.... I-ing always need to get my repetitions in and improve...
June 1, 2015, 3:38 PM
Not making any money yet...
Not receiving any 'wow's' yet...

Feeling complacency.(!! INSIGHT !!)
1. Desire... absolute curiosity... openness for a useful (not necessarily 'right') answer...
2. The answers going to be the same (The answer might be the same, but I-ing'll feel more and more excited and happy about it each time); I-ing can't really do anything about it (I-ing am going to do something about it); it's not important (I-ing am the kind of person who effectively answering and acting upon the answer to this question is important); I-ing'm not capable of raising my standards (I-ing am always successfully raising my standards); negative associations to money (I-ing'm constantly and obsessively managing my associations to money, so it's all pleasure and no pain); not worthy enough (I-ing'm more than worthy enough); not capable enough to make money (I-ing'm more than capable enough to make money);
3. Decide positive, fully-engaging, standards raising beliefs out... actually take action on these answers
4. Repetition... successful, useful repetition... requires belief changes, standard raises, and effective right action in each context. If I-ing really want to become better... then I-ing need to use complacency as a trigger for greater, more effective action.
June 1, 2015, 7:59 AM
Not making any money yet... Excitement... learn about my prospect's world...
Not receiving any wow's yet... Excitement... learn about my prospect's world...
  • May 28, 2015
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
May 10 to March 25
Not Successful
No report submitted
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This contract has reverted to non-financial on 2 Apr 2016
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