Sept 2 - Sept 6 12 PM Star this Commitment

silverski commits to:
I have Followed this plan exactly as I have written and not made any alterations, rewrites or extenuating circumstances with this plan.I have followed this plan from Tuesday September 2nd 2014 12 AM until midnight Saturday September 6 12 midnight 2014. 3 1 hour feeding periods per day from 1st bites to last swallow. Have everything in front of you before first bite then don't add anything else. Can eat anything you want. Then have 3 hour break of only water. Followed by a green drink. Th
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September 2 to September 7
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Abortion: Americans United for Life)
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Total at stake: $50.00
Stakes per period: $50.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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