Next Installment: Daily Internet Us... Star this Commitment
Week 6 of 6

wrkinprogrss commits to:
I commit to setting daily limits on my internet use, either in this goal’s comments, my journal, or my phone. On work days, I must set the limits before I use the internet for anything except job work or stickK. On non-work days, I must set the limits before I use the internet for anything except job work, stickK, or logistical reference. I must set a follow-up stickK goal for managing my internet time use before I can claim success on this one.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
April 6, 2011, 7:27 PM
I do still want to support you.
You are a friend I want to help.
I'm not sure I can have this conversation here. It is hard to have an immediate back and forth.
Hope we can speak about it tonight.
You talk about doing something different, and that this way of supporting each other is not helping either of us as much as you would like.
I cannot think of what that something different could be.
While it has not been very effective I still think the support we give each other has helped. I was trying to do the best for you I could.
So, maybe we can speak about this for a few minutes tonight.
And I know that was not right of me to not think of you for those four days. I am sorry and do apologize for that.

Have a good day.
April 6, 2011, 4:57 PM
Finished up 04/05/11 well, but blew the goal for the week, earlier. TBD what comes next.
April 6, 2011, 4:53 PM
Robert, it's your move to make that communication happen. I've asked.
April 6, 2011, 6:56 AM
I have to admit that I was thinking I should leave out the part in that post about reminding you of things I wanted you to do.
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 6 results.
March 30 to April 6
Not Successful
Not Successful
March 23 to March 30
Not Successful
Not Successful
March 16 to March 23
Not Successful
Not Successful
March 9 to March 16
Not Successful
Not Successful
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