Lose Weight Star this Commitment
Week 8 of 8

LadyKaz commits to:
Lose 16.8 lbs. in 8 week(s)
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
July 5, 2024, 2:29 AM
(See Commitment Journal for entry.)
July 5, 2024, 2:28 AM
I have severe hormonal/metabolic issues so weight just comes off slower, I need to be in a larger deficit than someone without these issues. It will get better once those things have healed a lot, but in the meantime this SUCKS.
This has happened 2 or 3 times this year already, where I lose from my highest weight of 192.6lb down to around 180-183 fairly easily and then hit a wall. And it's so hard to get it to move below that. It seems like I just have to eat so so little, and try to exerise (right now walk, or spinbike) so much more. It's just tiring and frustrating. Trying to work it out though, get past it. (I've been seriously considering talking to my doctor about Semiglutide, like Ozempic or Wegovy, because of how frustrating this is, at least to get me over this hump. I know insurance likely won't pay though so it's a huge expense. Idk, if I can't really break past this and keep the weight moving in the right direction, I may make the call.)
June 28, 2024, 3:58 AM
"Game of Stones"
...When you play the game of stones, you lose, or you die....

60 days (around 8 weeks)
~Daily weigh-ins
~Progress pics & measurements weekly (to be shared when I'm ready)
~Read, practice mindfulness daily
~Drink more water & take supplements regularly
~CRON-style diet (calorie-controlled), mostly healthy whole food, include fasting (and fasting mimicking)
~Daily acts of self-care that I've put on the backburner (makeup, jewelry, hair, etc)

**GOAL Weight: 165lb / 74.8kg / 11.8st (lowest wt in around 6-7 years)
**START Weight: 181.8lb /82.4kg / 12.9st
**NEED TO LOSE: 17lb / 7.7kg / 1.3st / 2 1/2 Frodos (our little dog) / 59,500cals
*Have already lost 10.6lb / 4.5kg / .7st / 1 1/2 Frodos / 37,100cals this year.*

(Highest weight: 192.6lb / 87.3kg / 13.7st)
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 8 results.
August 15 to August 22
Not Successful
No report submitted
179.7 lbs.
August 8 to August 15
Not Successful
No report submitted
179.7 lbs.
August 1 to August 8
Not Successful
No report submitted
179.7 lbs.
July 25 to August 1
Not Successful
No report submitted
179.7 lbs.
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