Move your body, girl!
Star this Commitment
Week 12 of 12
kuci commits to:
PHASES 0 - 1 - 2 - 3:
- 500 - 2k - 2k - 2k steps/d, Mon-Fri - 30m - 45m - 45m - 45m yoga/wk - 30m - 60m - 60m - 60m exercise/wk - 1x ~25m - 1x ~30m - 2x ~30m - 2x 35m physiotherapy/wk - - - ok to report success despite not achieving goal if: illness or reasonable unexpected circumstances make carrying out plan too difficult
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
May 6, 2024, 8:23 AM
Lowest no. of steps Mon-Fri: - 2,131 - 46m yoga - 95m exercise (54m of which: dancing, strength, hula hoop) - 2x ~35m physio |
Displaying 1-4 of 12 results.
May 6 to May 13
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted