Mini-Réactivation Musculaire Star this Commitment
Day 12 of 12

RosyB commits to:
Compléter les exercises et comportements suivants à tous les jours:

-Assis-debout sans utiliser les mains (2 x 8-10).
-Mini-Squat (2 x 8-10).
-Rester debout avec orthèse et ne pas barrer les genoux (total 2 minutes, par incréments 30 secondes si nécessaires).

-Me lever et marcher quelques minutes à chaque heure.

-Porter l'orthèse le plus possible pendant toute la journée, à tous les jours.

À la fin de l'engagement présent, prévoir un prochain pour la 1ere semaine de ma job.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
November 27, 2023, 3:05 PM
I did 2 sets 8 reps of squats, then approx 6 reps of sit stand. Didnt do the standing exo. Tis ok, as anything is better than nothing.
November 26, 2023, 1:16 PM
Completed 2 sets of 8 for the mini-squats and sit-stand. I completed 2 minutes standing in 4 30-something increments.
November 22, 2023, 1:46 AM
Day 1, and I did a great job! I wore the daytime orthotic for a good several hours, and I will continue to do so as the days go on. I wore the night time one all night last night, and for a few hours during the day while resting. I did my three exercises. Started with 1 set of 8 reps of the 1st two exos; I will add a second set as soon as feels feasible. And for my standing exo, I completed the 2 minutes in 4 30-second increments. Feels good! Let's keep it up!
November 21, 2023, 1:36 AM
Glad I put this commitment together. This is a good way of keeping me focused on this goal. Just 3 little exercises and 2 good behaviours. We've got this! And after this, onwards and upwards, as always. Let's go!
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Displaying 1-4 of 12 results.
December 1
Not Successful
No report submitted
November 30
Not Successful
No report submitted
November 29
Not Successful
No report submitted
November 28
Not Successful
No report submitted
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