10K/Day, No Sugar Intoxication Star this Commitment
Day 364 of 364

virtuosoatluck commits to:
1). Accomplish >= 10K steps per day. 2). Ingest nothing laced with added sugar except for up to 2 protein bars per day with at least 20 grams of protein for a maximum cost of 220 kcal.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
September 9, 2023, 2:14 PM
Artificially made sweets are actually not a real food. Food is supposed to sate your hunger. Sweets are something you eat that then makes you more hungry. They give you a sugar crash and make you irritable. Additionally, non-dried fruits are sweeter, immensely more satisfying, and you can eat a bowl of it witj no ill effects assuming you aren't fiber-sensitive.
September 9, 2023, 2:08 PM
The stakes for this commitment are higher than 5 dollars a day. If I cannot get to 194 lbs at a rate of >= 1 lbs per week, I will lose my job and forfeit a retirement package I have spent the last 14 years grinding towards. The only way forward is down. I was using Beeminder, but the cost scaled up way too quickly and I'm not a millionaire. This is a cost-stable measure and I know from experience that losing around 30 USD per week is adequately painful to make me pass on the 3-month-old dried-out snack cakes they sell at work.
September 9, 2023, 2:02 PM
Today I'm 286.6 lbs. When I started a few months back with my current regimen, I was 307. I have plateaued for about 2 weeks so starting this is a pivot to get me back on track.
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 364 results.
September 6
Not Successful
No report submitted
September 5
Not Successful
No report submitted
September 4
Not Successful
No report submitted
September 3
Not Successful
No report submitted
Recipient of Stakes
No stakes
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This contract has reverted to non-financial on 11 Oct 2023
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