Copyright Policy
Date of Last Revision: August 5, 2013

stickK respects the intellectual property rights of others and prohibits users from uploading, posting or otherwise transmitting on the stickK website any materials that violate another party's intellectual property rights. When we receive a proper Allegation of Copyright Infringement, as set forth below, we promptly remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material and terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorney's fees) if you materially misrepresent that material is infringing your copyright(s) or that material was removed or disabled by mistake.

Allegation of Copyright Infringement

If you believe that your copyrighted work is accessible on the stickK website in violation of your copyright, you may provide our Designated Agent with a written communication that substantially complies with the requirements described in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"), 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3).  The Allegation of Copyright Infringement should include:

You may submit your Allegation of Copyright Infringement to our Designated Agent by fax, mail, or E-Mail as set forth below:

Designated Copyright Agent, LLC
109 South 5th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11249
Phone: 866-578-4255
E-Mail: [email protected]

If an Infringement Notice is valid, we are required by law to respond to it by disabling access to the allegedly infringing content.

Allegation of Copyright Infringement

If you are a stickK user and access to portions of profile, commitment journal, or other material you have uploaded to teh Website have been disabled pursuant to a valid Allegation of Copyright Infringement, we will notify you. You then have the option to send us a written counter-notice (a "Counter-Notice") stating why your content does not infringe copyrights and asking for access to be reinstated. Counter-Notices need to be sent to our designated agent set forth above and must be a written communication including substantially the following: