Family & Relationships
Like most things that we count on to be there for us, it's easy to take our family for granted. From sharing a meal together, to agreeing to forgive and forget, commit to caring for the people and staying in touch with those who mean the most in your life.


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No man on his death bed ever looked up into the eyes of his family and friends and said, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office
- Author Unknown
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Community Journal: Family & Relationships
denise2001 Mar 28, 2025, 11:47 PM"Hoje fiz menos questões do que ontem. Mesmo fazendo questões,estudando e revisando matérias que me propus não acho que rendi tudo aquilo que podia ter rendido. Me sinto cansada."View my Commitment
denise2001 Mar 27, 2025, 10:02 PM"Hoje consegui resolver mais exercícios do que ontem, amanhã quero resolver mais que hoje, focando nas matérias atrasadas dos estudos para Enem. Consegui fazer todas as revisões para as provas de semana que vem da faculdade, mas, me sinto apreensiva pois nunca fiz prova com essas professoras."View my Commitment
Jokub4s1243 Mar 27, 2025, 9:31 AM"Although it wasn't actually as easy, I feel a deep sense of unease if I am sitting alone by myself. It's like my whole body is itching. I feel that I am experiencing symptoms, that are often associated with withdrawal. I can mitigate this through adoption of new behaviours "View my Commitment