Keep phone free from social media Star this Commitment
Week 30 of 30

ruthminkov commits to:
Delete Facebook, messenger applications etc from phone, and check at home on a separate phone - in order to reduce constant compulsion to check, which is very distracting. Also causes late nights and lack of productivity, feelings of isolation.
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My Commitment Journal
August 23, 2019, 12:14 AM
It's getting bad again, I am getting really distracted. Now I am also struggling with being unable to block WhatsApp completely due to it being necessary to communicate via this platform for group assignments. I am, however, going to set up a block (Appblock and Offtime), but with a free period during the day (12pm-12:30pm, for example).
August 17, 2019, 3:22 AM
I deleted my app blocker due to coordinating and networking after moving to Melb. It is a bit distracting - I will keep my phone turned off instead when I am not using it - that seems to be the best way.
July 27, 2019, 6:59 AM
I just moved to the city, so my social media is back on so I can communicate. I have found it a little distracting, but once uni begins on Monday, I'll switch it back off.
July 20, 2019, 4:24 AM
Still going well with social media, it is not a problem for me any more.
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Displaying 1-4 of 30 results.
September 25 to October 2
Not Successful
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September 18 to September 25
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September 11 to September 18
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September 4 to September 11
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