Complete every exercise in Experime... Star this Commitment

FastExperimenter commits to:
To a "reasonable satisfaction", complete every problem in Experimental Design. Where you could look at that, and say "Yeah, that's done--correctly." Where you could ask me what I did, I could explain it, and it'd make sense.
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My Commitment Journal
March 11, 2018, 7:32 AM
I'll give myself a pass this time... but... higher standards, man...
March 10, 2018, 7:31 PM
Let's see if I can explain this right. After about 10 chapters of attempted exercises, I realized I don't know enough about SPSS... and that SPSS will save me 80% of the time required to complete these exercises. So, I will ethically postpone this commitment, and redecide on the completion of this, after I've completed the SPSS Essential Statistics Training on Lynda.
March 10, 2018, 3:43 AM
Might not make this one. ~200 exercises in 48 hours, with a ton of stuff I'm still not sure of. We'll see what happens :O
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March 8 to March 11
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Gun Control: Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence)
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Total at stake: $250.00
Stakes per period: $250.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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