Swim 20 laps everyday and jog or wa... Star this Commitment

benjaminvmobile6 commits to:
Swim 20 minutes or 20 laps everyday, and jog 30 minutes or 2 miles everyday. Bonus points for jogging more and/or biking.. Also, biking can substitute in for jogging, and in the event that I bike for an hour or more, I am exempt from swimming and jogging.
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My Commitment Journal
October 9, 2017, 1:34 PM
I did not realize that I still had this goal, but I did way more than my goal on almost all days except Saturday, in which I just swam 30 laps, but didn't jog.. I am going to be strictly honest though and say I didn't make my goal. This will allow me to not make a much more ambitious goal for this coming week though.. I want to consistently achieve smaller goals before I set much longer ones..
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October 1 to October 8
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