Keep excess spending to $50 a week Star this Commitment
Week 52 of 52

komenpinkforever commits to:
Not spend more than $50 per week over my house note, bills, and food for my family.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
October 24, 2017, 7:54 PM
Incredible that you struggle with this but not celibacy. For most men it's definitely the other way around. In any case, I'm very confident in your discipline. I look forward to seeing what a more frugal and celibate Steve will be like!
October 6, 2017, 3:00 PM
This is going good. Since September 28, I have spent less than $60. This is well within my $50 limit, as my week starts when I get paid on Thursday and ends on Wednesday. I am remembering to buy my own food and pack my lunch at home to avoid impulse buying when I get hungry. Today I let myself stop and get a decaf coffee as a reward for working so hard.

Here are some things I am keeping in mind to use some of the extra money:

Add to my savings account, which will go towards fixing some of the issues with our house.

Tattoos!! I want to finish my sleeve over the next year, and then when I turn 45 in about four years I can begin my bodysuit. I'll be covered, except for the face, by the time I am fifty if I stay on this path.

Used car for my son, and repairs to my own car.

Starting my cleaning business and resale business.

Doctor bills--my wife and I have a lot of them!

Christmas gifts and birthdays

Taking my wife out for date night. I cannot remember the last time we did something like this.

Paying back a personal loan from a friend

I could go on, and I doubt I will have enough money to cover all these things any time soon. But the point is that, by practicing discipline every day, with the help of Stickk and my referee, I can accomplish things I thought I would never accomplish. It's a pretty good feeling.
September 27, 2017, 5:11 PM
This is still not going well. I went over the limit this week and had to submit an unsuccessful report.

I didn't realize, before starting the commitment, how much I spend on gas each week. That alone can max out the $50 limit. I decided to consider gas a bill, and only spend excess money in case of an emergency. Starting today, this means I cannot get any coffee, soda, or other snacks on the way to work or at work. I have to be diligent and pack my lunch at home. The only money I need to spend on a regular basis, besides bills, is on food for each week. I know I can do it.
September 20, 2017, 1:59 PM
I get paid from one of my jobs tomorrow. I am paying the last half of my family's phone bill, and I have to pay to have someone come service our broken AC unit. There will be more than $50 left over, so I should be able to make a deposit into savings or apply the extra money to another bill.

Today I have to call the power company, cable, water, and Sprint to find out how much my current bills are and when they are due. I am very anxious because I have not paid the September house note yet.

I make enough money to pay all of our bills with some left over. How much I get paid is not the problem. The problem is that I spend impulsively on things I do not need. Here are some of the most common items I get:

Soda, snacks, coffee
Fast food
Books-I tell myself it is OK because they are used books and cost less
Thrift store shopping
School or teaching supplies, when in reality I have all the supplies I need

There are others, but these are the things I will have to watch out for. To be successful, I will have to pack my lunch at home every day and not make any stops except to get gas for my car.
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Displaying 1-4 of 52 results.
September 12 to September 19
Not Successful
No report submitted
September 5 to September 12
Not Successful
No report submitted
August 29 to September 5
Not Successful
No report submitted
August 22 to August 29
Not Successful
No report submitted
Recipient of Stakes
Money to a friend ($5.00 to DexterG93 per failed reporting period)
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your Keep excess spending to $50 a week Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
Total at stake: $260.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $5.00
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