No coffee or soda Star this Commitment
Week 52 of 52

komenpinkforever commits to:
Give up caffeine, in all its forms, for one year. At the end of the year, I will renew my commitment and will keep renewing it annually.
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My Commitment Journal
October 7, 2017, 7:49 PM
Thanks to brucemink, my new referee! We'll get decaffeinated together.
October 6, 2017, 2:17 PM
Been going a little crazy with decaf and hot chocolates. This culminated in me buying a cup of decaf at Dunkin' Donuts on my way in to work. It isn't that big of a deal, but I am not supposed to be spending extra money either. My goal today and for the weekend is to not have any more hot drinks except for my Roobois tea. I make that at work and sometimes in the morning.

I think my body has adjusted to not having caffeine now. Getting up in the mornings is a little easier now. My next thing to work on is not eating after about 9 PM. I get home from second shift at 1 AM, eat a meal or even junk food, then go to bed and get up at seven for the day job. Not good. I can't increase my amount of sleep without changing jobs, but I can increase the quality of my sleep if I don't eat immediately before bed.
October 3, 2017, 1:29 PM
I had two cups of decaf at work last night. I drank it black with ice, and it was pretty good. I still don't need to make a habit of it, though.

Staying away from soda has been quite easy. I had a Sprite over the weekend...I let myself have occasional sodas as long as they are caffeine free. There's really no advantage to that, though, because all sodas have a lot of sugar. So my goal this weekend is to stick with my herbal tea, water, and maybe a hot chocolate, since the weather is getting cold.
September 27, 2017, 5:14 PM
This is actually the easiest of my commitments. Today I decided to stop even There is enough caffeine in it to make me jittery. I also always put cream and sugar in it, and that doesn't help. From now on I am limiting myself to water, caffeine free hot tea, and one can of ginger ale per day. I think it will be easy to give up the ginger ale soon.
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Displaying 1-4 of 52 results.
September 10 to September 17
Not Successful
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September 3 to September 10
Not Successful
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No report submitted
August 27 to September 3
Not Successful
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No report submitted
August 20 to August 27
Not Successful
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No report submitted
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Total at stake: $520.00
Stakes per period: $10.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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