Read mass readings & pray rosary Star this Commitment
Week 12 of 12

benjaminvmobile6 commits to:
Read daily mass readings in Spanish and pray a rosary everyday.
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My Commitment Journal
December 4, 2017, 10:07 AM
Well, this must be my last week, and while I haven't often been successful over the past several weeks, having this commitment on here has kept me more committed to at least TRYING to do these things.. So I have usually read the readings and prayed at least one decade or more of the rosary (everyday).. Maybe that should be my next commitment!
October 30, 2017, 9:44 PM
I have been reading the mass readings but haven't always been able to make it through the rosary.
October 9, 2017, 1:39 PM
I have struggled more with praying the whole rosary. Sometimes I just pray a decade or 2 for my intentions. I have mostly read the readings and commentary though. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give myself a 6.5 this week -- maybe a 7.3.. :)
September 24, 2017, 12:36 PM
I am beginning to memorize the spanish scriptural rosary verses. I have entered the glorious mysteries into quizlet, and some of the other mysteries, so I am working on memorizing them. It goes slower if I am working on memorizing the verses whilst praying, but it is more of an exercise of my mind. Since I have the website with the verses and the quizlet websites pulled up usually on my computer, sometimes I look up images to go with the mystery that I am meditating on, but of course, sometimes it is tempting to get off track this way by going to other websites or articles on the web that don't have to do with the mysteries of the rosary. For example, I googled images of "asuncion," to meditate on the assumption, but I got a lot of images of Asuncion, Paraguay! That got me interested in that city, so I got off track some.
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