Making Home Comfortable Star this Commitment
Week 18 of 18

wrkinprogrss commits to:
I commit to taking at least one action, every day, to increase how comfortably I can live in my new place. The actions can be large or small, and they can contribute to immediate comfort (like finding a needed item in a moving box and giving it a proper place) or address practical concerns over longer timespans (like calling a locksmith or investigating home insurance details).

Given how much more slowly the moving-in process went than I'd like, I'm giving myself 18 wells for this goal, which
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
January 3, 2018, 7:14 AM
Congratulations on your success!! 12 out of 18 weeks is great!! And I'm sure you're enjoying the results of all the actions taken in support of this goal. Just imagine if you hadn't taken any of them. Awesome job!!!!
January 1, 2018, 7:06 AM
Happy New Year! December was insane-- apologies for having been awol. And THANK YOU SO MUCH for the gorgeous photos. I hope you had a wonderful New Year, and I'm looking forward to being more consistent with reports and replies in 2018!
December 12, 2017, 9:54 AM
Report to follow!
December 4, 2017, 5:25 AM
Saturday, 12/2: I picked up the ironing board that a friend scrounged for me from the estate of a late friendly acquaintance.

Once again, I'm calling the week successful on a technical level, but I would SO like to be doing better with this goal!
  • Aug 28, 2017
  • Sep 11, 2017
Displaying 1-4 of 18 results.
December 23 to December 30
Not Successful
No report submitted
December 16 to December 23
Not Successful
No report submitted
December 9 to December 16
Not Successful
No report submitted
December 2 to December 9
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