20 minutes a day of sorting stuff Star this Commitment

wrkinprogrss commits to:
Spending at least 20 minutes, every day, sorting through papers or possessions and working towards recycling or rehoming whatever it doesn't serve me to keep
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My Commitment Journal
August 16, 2017, 7:01 PM
Belated thanks, Steph! I am proud and happy to accept a virtual medal for Coping With A Move! \o/ :D

All the big stuff got moved on time, but I'm still dealing with some leftovers at my old place. Little by little, though, things are getting done!
August 10, 2017, 11:29 AM

It sounds like you were flexible and won the war even if this "battle" didn't turn out the way you originally envisioned. AWESOME!!!

Moving is like the number one stressful thing after the death of a parent or something. So you get all the credit and all the medals and trophies!!!
August 9, 2017, 10:54 PM
Well, today's the last day of this goal. I didn't succeed in doing 20 minutes every day, but some days I did a lot more than 20 minutes, and some days I did more critical things, so I feel reasonably OK about it. Having the goal here on stickK and having an active supporter definitely helped! Thanks, Steph!

Maybe I'll set another stickK goal after I'm past the most disruptive parts of moving house--it will probably be a few days before I have leisure to decide what should be next, though getting a new battery for my phone is definitely a candidate. And figuring out where to get my next annual eye exam.

Wish me luck with the move? By this time tomorrow, hopefully the movers will be unloading the moving van at my new place.
August 7, 2017, 8:15 PM
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July 15 to August 9
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