Staying on Track Star this Commitment
Week 50 of 50

mtm9000 commits to:
Every week, spend one hour reviewing all life goals and what I am doing to reach them. Imagine where your life will be at age 30 if you continue doing things the way you have done them in the past, and imagine where it will be if you do them the right way. Make sure you have ongoing stickk goals for all of the meaningful things you want to be pursuing now. Every day spend a couple minutes first thing actively imagining your future--what it will be if you repeat past failures vs. if you change.
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My Commitment Journal
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Displaying 1-4 of 50 results.
May 17 to May 24
May 10 to May 17
Not Successful
No report submitted
May 3 to May 10
April 26 to May 3
Not Successful
No report submitted
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Gay Marriage: Institute for Marriage and Public Policy) while the commitment was financial
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your Staying on Track Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
This contract has reverted to non-financial on 5 Aug 2014
Total Money Lost before reverting to non-financial: $15.00
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