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mtm9000 commits to:
Today, 12-7-2012, I will, from the time I get up this morning, waste no more than 1 and a half hours. I will make a schedule for teh entire day at the first opportunity, one which takes into account how much time is needed for each class and which things have priority. I will also schedule a minimum 3 hours of guilt free leisure or recreation time, and will allow for naps if i believe i am too sleep deprived to work effectively. I will use time limits, and will feel satisfied at the end of day.
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My Commitment Journal
December 8, 2012, 11:47 AM
total failure essentially. I did a good job getting up and making it to discussion, and having a good talk afterward with the to understand my midterm grade. After getting home, I had some food, but then spent too much time watching tv and diddling around. Most important, i really was not keeping track of what i was doing so i don't even know how much time was actually wasted. By 3:00 I had clearly wasted a solid hour and a half or more, but I still could have turned things around and had a productive day. At that point I called dad in response to another exasperated email from him. This coversation was extremely long and not a good use of time, and i probably should have tried to cut him off and told him to postpone this discussion until after finals week. At this point it was almost 4:00. I spent a good respectable 40 minutes trying to get down to work on things, but understandably decided i was simply too sleep deprived to do good work by this point. I then took excessively long to buy sheets, an important task. then decided to take a nap at around 5:00. I slept a solid 4 hours, getting up again at 10:12. At this point, I still had an opportunity to have a productive day, as by this time i had still only truly wasted perhaps 2 or 2.5 hours, and now i was well rested. At this point i should have made a schedule immediately for what i wanted to accomplish. Since i couldn't find a pen i should have immediately made such a schedule on my computer. Unfortunately i was preoccupied thinking about my family problems, thoughts that were no doubt triggered in part by my conversation earlier with dad. I thought about emily and all my dissatisfaction with our relationship. this lasted till around 10:45. At this point i again could have reoriented myself and begun to work productively with only perhaps having wasted 3 hours that day. This would have been disappointing but not devastating. However, i was distracted by conversations downstairs and ended up procrastinating online for at least teh next 45 minutes. Here i did begin to act productivly and installed itunes so i could download a white noise tape to use in these situations. However, all of this seemed to take an extraordinarily long time. I should have made a schedule for what I was going to do instead of proceeding haphazardly from point to point. After this I again procrastinated even more online. I really don't know how much of my time was spent today because i simply did not undertake to keep track of it. This is the worst part of all. I didn't schedule things. I didn't even really try to schedule things. I didn't set goals for what i wanted to accomplish. That was the whole point of this goal. I should have done that as soon as I got home, before settling down to eat. Failing that, i certainly should have done it after getting up again. This is the biggest thing for me to work on for the future.
December 7, 2012, 11:13 AM
This commitment requires that the time I spend be scheduled beforehand, with the possible exception of basic routine tasks, in order to be counted as productive rather than wasted.
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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
December 7 to December 9
Not Successful
Not Successful
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Political: American Crossroads (Super PAC supporting Republican Party))
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Total at stake: $40.00
Stakes per period: $40.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $40.00
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