Stick to diet plan (vestibular migr... Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

SadSoup commits to:
Sticking to my vestibular migraine diet to alleviate symptoms and improve my overall quality of life. (Energy levels, concentration, memory, vision, sleep, relationships, stability.) unless food emergency, stick to diet. Small treat like 2 pieces of chocolate every other day/every day is fine. Can also try new food to see how it makes me feel, that doesn’t break the goal
Last reported: Success
Next report due:
March 15
5:00 AM GMT
My Commitment Journal
March 8, 2025, 8:30 AM
Tried a banana and unable to tell if it made me dizzy. I think it did. Root beer makes me dizzy. Hard to tell about icees
March 8, 2025, 8:30 AM
Been difficult to stick with it and still feel like shit often. Reaffirms need to leave my job with so much screen time. Happy I feel more connected to life but I also feel more connected to misery. Really want normal food again. Today and yesterday have been hard
March 1, 2025, 6:50 AM
Last few days have been harder but I’m managing! Definitely more clear throughout the week although not as clear as I’d hoped. Screen time seems to be one of the major causes. Looking into different jobs to see if it’ll help
February 22, 2025, 7:04 AM
Stuck to the goal for the last week. Life feels lighter. I feel less stuck, more motivated, the energy flows, I’m able to ground myself more easily. Less anxiety significantly. More clarity and ability cope. More hope. My imagination is back, creativity, resourcefulness. Relationship with self and others improving. Work has been less irritating(mostly lol). Notice huge change to life in general already and I’m so happy about it.

Also more aware of how screen time and certain foods trigger me. Can easily spot a trigger, rather than wondering if it made me feel like shit or if I already did before eating it
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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
March 1 to March 8
February 22 to March 1
February 15 to February 22
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Gun Control: NRA Foundation)
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Total at stake: $160.00
Stakes per period: $40.00
Remaining Stakes: $40.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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