7 Day Water Fast
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Day 7 of 7
adamolson commits to:
Not eat food for a week. I have only done this for 24 hours but I will drink water and if I need electrolytes I will learn about that, so I do this right without harming my body.
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My Commitment Journal
Displaying 1-4 of 7 results.
October 13
Not Successful
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No report submitted
October 12

- Committed user success report
Just finished day 6 at 8PM and hanging in there. It has been difficult. I scratched my elbow and started bleeding very easily and was kind of strange. My hands look a bit whiter and not sure what is happening with my blood but I hope it is good and those zombie cells are getting eatten. I am excited to eat soup on Monday and try vegan for a couple weeks and then add fish to my diet after that. Such a great reset and spent the day at a few different grocery stores and mostly the Asian grocery store in Orem. So many great things and categorizing different recipies and getting ready to use my Air Fryer pressure cooker and learn new meals! I am very blessed.
October 11
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted
October 10
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted