Time management Star this Commitment
Day 51 of 51

wrensy commits to:
1. Up by 5:30
2. Mindful breakfast. Music ok. Can check messages.
3.Unless something scheduled, first routine tasks by 9
4. Eat frogs and take at least a bite of day's scheduled tasks and weekly scheduled activity block by 10:30.
4. Podcasts and news with lunch
5. Internet fun for max 1 hour with coffee
6. 1 strength exercise
7. 10k steps with languages or study
8. Peter time
9. Stop biting cheek when aware of it
10. No screens after 9 except for Stickk, podcast
11. Lights out 10
12. Stickk
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Displaying 1-4 of 51 results.
November 13
Not Successful
No report submitted
November 12
Not Successful
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November 11
Not Successful
No report submitted
November 10
Not Successful
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