Nutrition Protocol Star this Commitment
Day 2 of 2

jacerbeach commits to:
Follow my Nutrition Protocol EXACTLY
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My Commitment Journal
August 15, 2024, 8:07 AM
I am at over 20 days total of only consuming beef, eggs, salt & water - on day 19 I saw distinctly better energy levels. And daily struggles with energy levels has been a significant health issue with me. The headaches are also getting MUCH more tolerable. It was still substantial a couple days ago after only sleeping from 3-7am, but thats pretty terrible sleep! The day before that when i got 8 hours of sleep I hardly had a headache at all. I am also releasing a significant amount of the excess body fat I have been carrying. At this point, I feel the complete abstinence from all foods except beef, eggs, salt and water feels normal and true to myself and right for me. It doesn’t feel like struggle anymore and feels like I could do this long term. Now my focus is following my nutrition protocol EXACTLY, which is:

- drinking ~0.5 liters of REALLY cold ice water shortly after waking naturally
- water between then and 1pm before starting a daily ramadan style dry fast
- OMAD eaten within about an hour consisting of UP TO 2 lbs 85% lean ground beef, 4 oz liver and 6 eggs all w/ salt to taste [2,500 cal, 170g fat, 225g protein and 6g carbs] - generally between 10-12 noon, but at least before 1pm.
- dry fast for 48 hours every week - from early Monday morning (eat as early as i can) to Wednesday morning until I am at my target weight of below 160 lbs - then maintain that waistline.
- could add in some weekly 48 hour dry fasts as needed for maintenance or manipulate how much i eat daily, but should focus on maintaining that waistline I achieve when i am as lean as I want to be and continuing to consume my bodyweight in grams of protein daily as a minimum.
- In maintenance do only a 72 hour dry fast monthly ending when church starts on Fast Sunday
- do a 7 day dry fast annually starting the morning of April General Conference Saturday - along with the 14 day detransition process using ONLY 1 quart of coconut water, along with plenty of electrolytes & and a probiotic supplement.

I feel great when i do this and it takes about 24 hours before I really get hungry after eating that. I will try to listen to my body if it doesnt want to eat THAT much - but particularly the liver which i may not need that much of. Whenever i deviate from it, it doesnt seem to help hardly at all - I have really close to ZERO desire for other foods besides sugar & flour which are highly addictive for me, and I always feel terrible immediately after eating, so I just should abstain from eating. I am a 10/10 on the food addiction susceptibility scale so complete abstinence is a MUST for me - not even a tiny bit on a holiday (i have done that before after being clean for a while and it turned into MONTHS of out of control binge eating on sugary foods) moderation is not an option for me - complete abstinence is a must. I will donbest
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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results.
August 15
August 14
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Anti-charity (Animal Rights: Sportsmen's Alliance)
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Total at stake: $10.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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