August2nd2024 (Friday) Set2 8:00 ... Star this Commitment

Pivot300 commits to:
August2nd2024 (Friday)


8:00 am -8:30 am: JOB SEARCH
8:30 am -9:00 am: JOB SEARCH
9:00 am -9:30 am: Driver Ed
9:30 am -10:00 am: MOOCs Degree
10:00 am -10:30 am: AWS Certs
10:30 am -11:00 am: AWS Certs
11:00 am -11:30 am: Google Cloud
11:30 am -12:00 pm: Google Cloud
12:00 pm -12:30 pm: SNHU Ed (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
12:30 pm -1:00 pm: SNHU Ed (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
1:00 pm -1:30 pm:5 SEC Certs (Option to switch to SNHU Education)
1:30 pm -2:00 pm:5 SEC Cert
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
August 3, 2024, 1:12 AM
Woke up by 6:30 AM, composed a schedule and tasked through the below reminders.

9:40 AM - Gov Pay
9:45 AM - Phone & Debit Login
9:50 AM - Student Aid
9:55 AM - Amazon Walmart
10:00 AM - Auto debits
10:05 AM - College Together

10:15 AM - Kommit & Beeminder Contract

10:20 AM - Softball June 23rd
10:25 AM - SNHU Restart Sept 2nd
10:30 AM - Buy Amex card & Practice Sketching/Smart Glasses
10:35 AM - MJ & Review Contract Platform
10:40 AM - Drivers Ed & Gov IncomeAid
10:45 AM - ServiceNow

10:50 AM - FM Music:Ethan W
10:55 AM - Discord Study Pals
11:00 AM - Ultimate Tennis Wednesday 9AM
11:05 AM - Disable Overdraft Coverage

11:10 AM - Goal Tracking
11:15 AM - https://.com/start
11:20 AM - Swom interview next Friday @3PM June 28th

11:25 AM - Temple Tennis: Thursday June 20th @8PM
11:30 AM - MJ:
11:35 AM - Schedule MJ

11:40 AM - Gov Pay Research/ MOOC Degree
11:45 AM - Housing Research

11:50 AM - Heyday Baseball
11:55 AM - Keep Format Podcast- Tell Story

12:00 PM - Debit New/ Payments
12:05 PM - Hair Research

12:10 PM - Beeminder Clock 7 days
12:15 PM - New Debit Card

12:20 PM - Research 196 countries-- Arbitrage/Scholarship around Globe
12:25 PM - Review commit contracts
12:30 PM - Pick up Bball
12:35 PM - Research Gov Pay
12:40 PM - New Debit card

12:45 PM - Purchase- Auto Renews

12:50 PM - PC:
12:55 PM - Med
1:00 PM - update
1:05 PM - Update by July 18th

1:10 PM - : Annual Schedule
1:15 PM - Kob: BAAS
1:20 PM - Forfeit: Friends

1:25 PM - Bmmb
1:30 PM - Car Reg Renewal
1:35 PM - Rent
1:40 PM - State Farm
1:45 PM - Drive force
1:50 PM - Phone number
1:55 PM - Reddit Confessionals

2:00 PM - PP & PEE
2:05 PM - COLLEGE Password
2:10 PM - File unemployment & cash aid
2:15 PM - Commit Contract
2:20 PM - Car Issues
2:25 PM - PC Anti virus
2:30 PM - AM New Card
2:35 PM - Hair Research
2:40 PM - New Car
2:50 PM - LinkedIn
2:55 PM - Sketch & Podcast
3:00 PM - Check GovPay & Degree Makeup
3:05 PM - PNC Class Schedule
3:10 PM - Craft August Schedule
3:15 PM - Auto PawLeaks &
3:20 PM - GitHub Education & OSSU CS Degree
3:25 PM - Research Degree Curriculum
3:30 PM - Compose Contracts
3:35 PM - IPhone to Compu/Forfeit
July 30, 2024, 7:11 PM
Hi Ref! Please hold me accountable to productivity. Don't hesitate to deny if you think I'm portraying lies about my productivity, via app or email,.. Thank u!!
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
July 30 to August 3
Recipient of Stakes
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your August2nd2024 (Friday) Set2 8:00 ... Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
Total at stake: $5.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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