Provide rich teaching for students ... Star this Commitment
Week 3 of 3

JKey-Lott commits to:
Completing 5 entries with all required components.
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My Commitment Journal
July 18, 2024, 8:35 PM
A. Engagement

B. This is a difficult task for me. In science, we have a lot of room for engagement, but we have to find the resources and time. Often, experiments take several days and materials which can provide obstacles. Lesser experiences don't quite garner the engagement we need from the students.

C. How can we get kids to be intrinsically motivated?
How can we engage students who don't care or like our subject matter?
What is the best way to get buy-in?

D. Celebrating Small Whole-Class Victories
Set class goals and milestones (attendance, % of turned in papers, or participation, etc.) Micro goals keep morale high, and a team activity. This would be useful in my classes because my students. are very competitive. If I made it a competition between classes, I could get a lot of buy-in.
July 18, 2024, 7:19 PM
A. Rich Classroom

B. I will focus on making my students feel safe and protected. My classroom will be a place filled with positivity. Students will take learning risks when they feel safe. I focus on my students' needs and how to best meet them.

C. Affirmations are good for students to hear on a regular.
Students must know that they have a voice and that it matters.
Figure out what your students want and help them get there.

D. Show Past Peer Work
This is something I already do and like because it inspires students to compete in a sense. When students see how much others did, they want to work harder to meet that expectation. Some students do become afraid that they won't be able to perform to that level, so that is one downside. Those are students I typically work with individually to help them complete a quality assignment.
July 18, 2024, 7:05 PM
A. Achievement

B. I focus mainly on how I can improve and grow in order to grow my students. It's easy to assume that the students are the problem, but there are always new things we can try. Our students' success is based on our ability to get them to buy into our teaching.

C. How do we get students to believe in a growth mindset?
Drop labels from students.
Set higher goals to get more student achievement.

D. Milestone, Mission, and Method
This can be used to give students intrinsic motivation which has been difficult for me. It requires them to understand where they are, where they want to go, and how they can get there. This could be a weekly activity to keep students on track and growing.
July 18, 2024, 6:48 PM
A. Relational

B. I was confirmed in this section knowing that there should be a focus on the common classroom. There should not be a division between teacher and student. We should all be focused on working toward student learning. In building a relationship with students, we can encourage them to care about the other things we say and show them. The more we interact and engage with our students the more likely they are to succeed.

C. How much more successful are students with caring teachers?
How can your personalize learning with several extremely different types of students?
Students’ positive or negative classroom relationships are equal to IQ or school achievement test scores in predicting if a student will drop out.

D. Personalize the Learning
Both the teachers and students learn everyone’s names, create a me bag, share an everyday problem, and share progress on goals.
This could be used as an ice breaker during the beginning of the week and we could work together to help each other problem solve. It will help connect me and the students as well as them to each other.
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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
August 1 to August 8
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July 25 to August 1
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July 18 to July 25
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