Generate enough livable wage income... Star this Commitment
Week 12 of 52

HelpmeKGo24 commits to:
Try to find effective ways to generate income for my business (At least $5k per month) Also remember to trust in the Lord and have faith that He will help me. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Last reported: No report submitted
Next report due:
September 11
4:00 AM GMT
My Commitment Journal
August 9, 2024, 1:09 AM
Growing business and meeting this goal by God's grace!
July 18, 2024, 12:20 AM
Even though things haven't changed much from last week (two of my newer contracts are closer to being finalized) but they aren't done yet, but I was informed that one of new clients will cover the cost of an in-person out of state trip (that I was planning to go to either way) which saves me money. Also, I was elected to be in the top 30 organizations in competing for a grant via a pitch competition. (There can only be 3 winners out of the 30). And one of my friends informed me of a local opportunity for a fixed monthly smaller income opportunity. I will also soon be working on an SOW for my 2 existing clients so that will help me be informed of when to set up quarterly invoices.
July 10, 2024, 9:50 PM
two new contracts in progress with one local opportunity to serve as a "fixed income" monthly income in addition to my three other clients and 1 per diem local client is definitely helping me get closer to my goal!
July 10, 2024, 9:47 PM
Again, things are still in the works, but they are progressing. One of my new clients is reviewing our proposed contract with some additional necessary changes we made, and my other newer client has been reviewing somethings I asked to waive on my proposed contract which should start the beginning of August. These two in addition to another small local contract I was just informed of last evening as a fixed income with an unknown start date should most definitely put my family and I in a better position financially.
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Displaying 1-4 of 11 results.
August 28 to September 4
Not Successful
No report submitted
August 21 to August 28
Not Successful
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August 14 to August 21
Not Successful
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August 7 to August 14
Not Successful
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