The present commitment is dissolved indefinitely |
Upcoming PI time commitment is changed to 8:50 p.m. today |
Upcoming PI time commitment is dissolved |
Rules :
- The default PI time is 7:50 p.m. to 8:50 p.m. in my local time zone.
- If I end up deciding to change the upcoming instance of PI time more than 3 hours before the upcoming pre-committed PI time, I will put that information in the journal entry of this commitment at least 3 hours before the upcoming PI time. If I fail to do so, I will explicitly let my accountability partner Rahul know about it.
- The notice period for any modification to the Rules of the present commitment is also 3 hours before the upcoming pre-committed PI time.
- If I end up deciding to change the upcoming instance of my PI time less than 3 hours before the upcoming pre-committed PI time, I will explicitly let my accountability partner Rahul know before the upcoming pre-committed PI time.
- This commitment applies only if I am in Daegu for the 3 hours before the stated PI time.
- This commitment applies on the following days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- Home refers to the following location: 대구 북구 대동로 6길 17 301호, excluding the restrooms and the mudroom
- Exception(s): I can enter my home during the PI time for not more than 3 minutes at a time. (I can set a timer to keep track of the time in case I have to enter the home during the PI time.) The present exception applies only when I have exited the home before the start of the PI time.
- If I end up breaking any of the above rules, I will explicitly let my accountability partner Rahul know about it within 24 hours.
- To adapt these rules to another commitment, you can probably just replace the following things:
--- The title of the stick commitment
--- the full form (e.g. P o st - l un c h- s n ac k)
--- the abbreviation (e.g. P L S)
--- the name of the location (e.g. h o m e)
--- the address of the location |