I read half of chapter 6 today. The end of this selection of reading was discussing "environmental enrichment general rule" which basically makes an environment attractive through positive reinforcers, so that eventually a subject can be attracted to the meta environment in that said environment through positive reinforcers. I think a ghttps://www.stickk.com/commitment/details/1043069#ood example of this might be smart phones, where Snapchat might invest money on someone buying a Samsung or Apple device so that the subject might find themselves in the digital environment where Snapchat can use positive reinforcers to lurk the said subject into their app. |
Finished chapter 5. Been thinking of that BF Skinner quote at the beginning of the chapter where he says under the right circumstances he can condition anyone regardless of their genetics. |
I'm halfway through chapter 5: methodology and philosophy. As someone with an interest in philosophy, some of these definitions are lackluster but that's to be expected of an introductory behavioral analysis textbook. However, the methodology part is what's proving to be the more difficult part. |
Today was my first day conducting the reading according to this website. I am halfway through chapter 4 which talks about research design. However, I need to make a habit of going to the library after work to seriously focus on my required reading. To conduct it at home is difficult considering that the hammock outside is usually consumed by darkness at this time of day and that the TV in the living room is usually blaring. |