Getting More Active Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

Emy07 commits to:
Getting more avtive

Goal Description:
I will increase 1 Pilate routine more per week; this week, I will start with 2 Pilate routines and next week will be 3 then 4 and finally 5. Mondays and Wednesdays (upper body); Tuesdays and Thursdays (lower body).
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
November 14, 2023, 4:39 AM
This week's challenge was 5 Pilate routines. Focusing on intensity and not on duration, I chose 5 10-minute Pilate routines. This is equivalent to 50 minutes; it was a little tiring, but I took breaks in between each routine and drank water. One positive change I noticed is that I have been sleeping better these days. In general, I am happy I started and finished this challenge. However, I will keep doing Pilates because it help me to release stress.
November 6, 2023, 7:15 PM
It was a little bit harder to complete I will have to admit because it was four routines, but I managed to accomplish my goals. I did not feel sore after my workout sessions but had to take breaks between them and drink water. Because of the different assignments I had to complete and exams I had to study for, I felt overwhelmed but recovered after I worked out. In general, it had a great impact on my emotional health and motivated me to drink more water.
October 30, 2023, 7:35 PM
Unlike the first time, where I was sore after the two Pilate routines I completed, this time it did not feel as hard as last time because my body is getting used to constant physical activity for long periods. One factor that was kept the same was my mood. After a long day of lectures, I feel stressed and usually, I feel better after doing exercise; it serves as a stress releaser. It helps my circulation and blood pressure. Also, I noticed that I walked fast to class without getting tired during this week. It could be the result of the physical resistance I am developing. In general, I felt active, motivated, and stronger.
October 26, 2023, 10:19 PM
Estoy orgulloso de ti chica!!! You rock ;)
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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results.
November 5 to November 12
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
October 30 to November 5

- Referee approval report
Emy increased her pilates I believe to four times a day. I almost stepped on her planking when getting out the bed from my nap once, but fortunately casualty was avoided. She's very dedicated and has been doing a great job!
- Committed user success report
It was a little bit harder to complete I will have to admit because it was four routines, but I managed to accomplish my goals. I did not feel sore after my workout sessions but had to take breaks between them and drink water. Because of the different assignments I had to complete and exams I had to study for, I felt overwhelmed but recovered after I worked out. In general, it had a great impact on my emotional health and motivated me to drink more water.
October 23 to October 30

- Referee approval report
Emy has been doing very well. When she commits to something... she really commits haha! I would be pilate'd out by now, but she keeps on going. I may roll out my yoga mat and join her next week!
- Committed user success report
Unlike the first time, where I was sore after the two Pilate routines I completed, this time it did not feel as hard as last time because my body is getting used to constant physical activity for long periods. One factor that was kept the same was my mood. After a long day of lectures, I feel stressed and usually, I feel better after doing exercise; it serves as a stress releaser. It helps my circulation and blood pressure. Also, I noticed that I walked fast to class without getting tired during this week. It could be the result of the physical resistance I am developing. In general, I felt active, motivated, and stronger.
October 16 to October 23
Successful (referee feedback expired)
No report submitted
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